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Department of Citizenship & Immigration

The Australian Department of Citizenship & Immigration was set up to manage the entry and settlement of people into the country. This includes work permits and citizenship. Visit this site for all the necessary information on visas, legislative and language requirement, and refugee status.

Australian Government – Child Support Agency

The Child Support Agency is a government organisation dedicated to the protection and welfare of Australian children as well as the support of single parents. This website provides legal advice, support services and counseling to parents, guardians and carers, including recent notices from the Family Court.

Legal Aid – Queensland

Legal Aid, Queensland is a professional body providing online free legal information and professional services. Duty lawyers are on hand to assist with women’s legal aid and child support issues. For information on policy and law reforms, ask for an expert in any field.

Adoption Jigsaw

Founded in Perth, Western Australia in 1978, and provides search, mediation and counselling services to anyone involved in adoption and/or separated from family through fostering, stepfamilies or reproductive technologies. They have Preferred Service Provider Status.

Journey – Brisbane Family Lawyers

Journey Family Lawyers is a specialised Australian law firm dealing in all cases related to family matters. If you are seeking professional advice and representation for a child support, custody, maintenance, divorce or property case, our lawyers available for a one-hour consultation to assist you in your decision.

Dads In Distress

Dads In Distress is a support site for men in trauma over divorce or separation. The organisation deals with suicide threats and has 24-hour support lines for advice and counselling. Whether the pain of a relationship break-up, issues over child custody or domestic abuse, DIDS is there for all your needs.

Information sites about DNA testing services

Comprehensive information available if you are looking to use non-standard samples for hair dna testing such as in the case of paternity testing where using standard oral swabs is not possible.